We are pleased to announce that BarCARE Health HOmecare Services, LLC has a spotlight in The Lincolnton County Community Guide and Member Directory.


Seniors and Their Life Stories

Although being older does not always mean wiser or having more experience, it does most of the time. Through many years, our senior family members have gone through ups and downs. They can tell us about their achievements, mistakes, and even regrets....

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Family Caregivers Deserve a Break

Caring for your senior parent is one of the most loving and rewarding things you can do as a way of giving back to them after having raised you for so many years. You will want to ascertain that they are comfortable, safe, and living well. As a loved...

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Homemaking Services Can Help Reduce Stress in Seniors

Some senior adults are concerned about performing certain chores at home that may threaten them with injuries, such as doing the laundry, dusting or vacuuming the stairs, and lawn mowing. The idea of slipping or falling can weigh heavily on their min...

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daughter serving food to her mother